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"The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives."




Help Us to Help Them

Help Those We Serve ...

$500 could pay for one child with epilepsy to attend summer camp for one week.
$250 could pay for two weeks' supply of epilepsy medication for someone in an emergency crisis.
$100 could pay for one seizure/first aid training presentation at a school.
$50 could pay for one monthly social support group for 10 people with epilepsy.
$25 could pay for one round trip medical transportation costs for one individual who is not allowed by law to drive due to their epilepsy.
Any Amount may be donated and will be used to assist in providing critical services.

When making a donation to the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois, whatever the amount, you make a commitment to help those with epilepsy live a better and more fulfilling life. Thank you!


1. Fill in the information on the form below.
2. Press the SUBMIT button to send information to the Foundation. Then press the DONATE button on the next screen to access Paypal to enter the amount of the donation.
3. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.


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(Mount Vernon)